
Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Interesting Travel Terms Every Travel Addict Should Know!


10  Interesting Travel Terms Every Travel Addict Should Know:

Everyone of us often face the problem of getting stuck for words to use in travel diary, blogs, facebook or even instagram posts. Let us share with you some of the interesting travel terms that you might or might not have heard before.

1.Wanderlust, this terminology is definitely not unfamiliar to you as it has been widely used in the recent years. It is defined as a strong desire or urge to wander and explore the world.

2. Staycation: It refers to a holiday that is spent within one's home country without traveling abroad. The staycation trend in Singapore has been on a rise recently isn't it?

3. Haycation: It refers to a working vacation staying at a farm or ranch while helping out with the chores for the farmers, experiencing the rural life.

4. Fernweh: It underpins the concept of wanderlust, being defined as an ache for distant places & craving for travel.

5. Globetrotter: It refers to a person who travels regularly or frequently to countries all over the world.

6. Set Jetting: It refers to traveling to iconic film locations and movie sets such as New Zealand where the highly raved movies The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are shot.

7. Wayfarer : It refers to someone who travels, especially on foot.

8. Jet Setter: It refers to a wealthy individual who travels widely & frequently from place to place for pleasure.

9. Traipse: A freestyle manner of travel – to move around without apparent plan. #yolo

10. Intrepid Traveler: A fearless & bold traveler exploring a foreign island far away from home

Now, you've got more words to use for your hashtagging! Feel free to also share with us your favorite list too!

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